Top 10k strings from Labyrinth (1984)(Sinclair Programs).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   3 ;"                                ":
   2 ;"Try again":
   2 ;"Press >Y< if YES"
   2 "1111111111111111111111111111111"
   1 r()=(b$="O")+2
   1 labyrinth Y'
   1 a(x1,y1)=1
   1 a(x,y+d)=1
   1 a(x+d,y)=1
   1 ;m;" moves."
   1 ;"the maze"
   1 ;"going through the entrance";
   1 ;"You managed to get out in"
   1 ;"You did not ask for help at all";
   1 ;"You cannot go through walls.";
   1 ;"You asked for help twice."
   1 ;"You asked for help once."
   1 ;"You asked for help ";p;" times"
   1 ;"You are trying to leave by";
   1 ;"You are looking ";d$(
   1 ;"Would you like to see the maze  you have conquered again ?"
   1 ;"Would you like to play again ?"
   1 ;"The object of this game is to","find your way out of the maze"
   1 ;"Press >Y< for instructions"
   1 ;"Please wait while I work out"
   1 ;"PLAN OF MAZE"
   1 ;"PLAN OF MAZE No.";p
   1 ;"Keys for looking in different   directions:"
   1 ;"ENTRANCE":
   1 ;"E N T R A N C E":
   1 ;"By Steven Vignaux"
   1 ;"  ENTRANCE : >         EXIT : <"
   1 ;"  Another thing about the plan  of the maze is that you are onlygiven access to it five times."
   1 ;"    You are where the >X< is."
   1 ;"     PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY   "
   1 ;"          Press any key         "
   1 ;"                              "
   1 ;"                                "
   1 *(b$="Q")+4
   1 *(b$="A")+3
   1 ''"Press >SPACE< to move one place forward in the direction you arelooking."
   1 '" WEST    SOUTH    NORTH    EAST"
   1 '"     Press >H< for HELP"
   1 "1111100000001010011111111101011"
   1 "1110001010111000110111110101101"
   1 "1011110100010100010101010111111"
   1 "1011100000001101010111010101111"
   1 "1010111111011111100010100000001"
   1 "1010101111100101000100010000001"
   1 "1010101110000000000001010101101"
   1 "1010101000110101010101010000011"
   1 "1010100101000111000000001000001"
   1 "1010010111010101010001010100001"
   1 "1010010001010000000000100100001"
   1 "1010000010000010101110101111011"
   1 "1000111010101111000100000101001"
   1 "1000110101010111011110010001101"
   1 "1000010000010000011110111011101"
   1 "1000000001110111110101000100001"
   1 "0010111010111010100000001001001"
   1 "0010101010100101010101010111001"
   1 "  When you move you move one    place forward in the direction  you are looking."
   1 "  Once the game starts you will be given a three dimensional    representation of the maze as   you would see it. This view is  governed by the direction in    which you are looking. You can  look either north,south,east or west."
   1 "  If while trying find your     way out of the maze you find youare completely lost then you canget some help by pressing >H<.  Once you have pressed the key   the screen will clear and you   will be shown a plan of the     maze. This will indicate your   position in the maze, the exit  and the entrance. However the   plan will only remain on view   for a short period of time."
   1 "  >O<     >A<      >Q<      >P<"